News & Advice

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  • News & Advice

How Often Should You Wash Laundry?

How often should you wash your sheets? We all know what happens between the sheets, therefore we should all know that it’s important to wash your bed sheets often. Bed sheets could accumulate sweat, body fluids and saliva – as well as even urine and faecal matter. When we sleep, we cast off dead skin cells that then can attract dust-mites and affect the breathing of asthmatics. If you’ve had a cold, be sure to wash the sheets on a high heat to kill bacteria, but otherwise, use a biological detergent and wash at a standard heat, add in a fabric conditioner. Our survey of 2000 people found that most people wash their sheets once a fortnight, which is in line with the recommended amount….

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The Essential Guide to Recycling Small Household Items

February Competition Nowadays, we’re all too quick to throw seemingly broken appliances away – each a year an estimated 2 million tonnes of WEEE (Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment) items are disposed of by households and businesses. That equates to over 6 million electrical items! Sadly, a large proportion of these appliances end up in landfills, which isn’t necessarily the best place for them… In many cases it is possible to give the item a new lease of life through some simple repairs, the price of which is often cheaper and makes more sense than buying a new item – an average 170 million new electrical items are purchased in the UK each year! Also, don’t forget to check whether the item is under warrantee…

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