glotech news Help & Advice

How Do Diets Differ Over Time?

Food, glorious food. Most of us look forward to our evening meal and enjoy having a full belly before bed but judging by the sounds of some of the diets we have uncovered, this will not be the case for everybody. While we may have stopped sending ourselves sick by swallowing soap and tapeworms, as we did in the early 1900s, some freaky diet fads are still going strong. Health-hindering habits such as the smoking diet have dropped out of fashion, which may mean the teeth and throats of us Brits are getting a rest. However, with Google searches for enamel-eroding juice cleanses rising by 850% in the last decade, and acidic apple cider vinegar diets also increasing, what we’re consuming is still a cause…

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How To Avoid Washing Machine Damage

Being left without a washing machine can cause havoc, especially in a family home. With kids having a habit of getting extremely mucky extremely fast, a washing machine is an essential part of daily life. Nobody wants to spend their day smelling bad, or hiding their stained shirts at work, meaning a washing machine is truly man’s best friend. However, as with most friendships, there are certain things that you can do that your washing machine won’t appreciate at all. Certain laundry mistakes can slow down the way your washing machine functions, shorten the lifespan of your machine or outright break it. So, to avoid a handwashing hullabaloo and resorting to a bathtub and a washboard, it’s important to take care of your beloved washing…

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How A Washing Machine Works

Get your washing machine washed! – Or face the risks

Almost 1/5 of Brits never clean their washing machine, putting themselves at risk of bacteria such as E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. We asked 2000 Brits about the usage of various household appliances and how they maintain them. Previous research studies have shown that organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are present in home laundry, and that 44% of washing machines contain bacteria like E. coli. Exposure to these types of bacteria can lead to infections such as pneumonia, skin and soft tissue infections, amongst other diseases. However, only 29% of those we surveyed said that they follow the recommended once a month washing machine clean, and more than 50% of respondents said they clean their machine every few months or…

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How Often Should You Wash Laundry?

How often should you wash your sheets? We all know what happens between the sheets, therefore we should all know that it’s important to wash your bed sheets often. Bed sheets could accumulate sweat, body fluids and saliva – as well as even urine and faecal matter. When we sleep, we cast off dead skin cells that then can attract dust-mites and affect the breathing of asthmatics. If you’ve had a cold, be sure to wash the sheets on a high heat to kill bacteria, but otherwise, use a biological detergent and wash at a standard heat, add in a fabric conditioner. Our survey of 2000 people found that most people wash their sheets once a fortnight, which is in line with the recommended amount….

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